Landscape Design
Lawn Care
  • 26020 West Center Road
  • Waterloo, NE 68069
  • 402-289-3223
Passing the test of time. DMS team did a complete make over of my lake side property including a water feature....
Cliff Janda
  • 1

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Commercial Walls and Pavers

Commercial walls and pavers

Our commercial construction division has over 75 years of combined professional experience. Specializing in retaining walls and brick pavers, we have worked with commercial and industrial clients including the cities of Omaha and Bellevue. We will meet and work with your architect and engineers to install all types of retaining walls and pavers. With all the needed equipment and around 45 employees, including a full-time estimator and multiple site superintendents and foreman, staying on schedule is a priority.

DMS commercial can also handle snow removal for any sized parking lot.